

I loved this letter from the News & Star, a Cumbria-based newspaper:

I READ with some amusement the complaint by William Gill that he finds Coronation Street characters drinking out of bottles disgusting (News & Star, June 4).I couldn’t believe that he was so upset that he felt the need to write in to the local paper to complain.There obviously can’t be much wrong in the world if this is all that gets his dander up! What about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the fortnightly rubbish collections, the list is endless.Mr Gill even points to the fact that the bottles are usually green; does this make the habit more disgusting than drinking out of brown ones?Personally I’m more concerned that they are recycled properly, placed in the correct bin, which can only be put out on the morning of collection, and has to be on the kerbside so that the poor little bin man doesn’t have to walk that extra couple of steps to your driveway to collect it.And they can’t even be bothered to return it to the place in which they found it – mine usually ends up half way down the street!
G LITTLEBelle VueCarlisle

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