
CATCH-UP - The karma after the storm

Nothing much happened in last night's Corrie, to be quite truthful. Maybe they all need a respite after the drama of the last few weeks.

Ok, so Kelly and Janice ending up in a catfight in the street, but that's hardly front page news. It was funny, though - Janice was going at the task like a demented troll. Though trying to defend the final scraps of Leanne's "honour" was always going to be a lost cause.

Elsewhere, Denise the hairdresser has become quite fond of having a man (and in particular, the man who is Ken) in her life, and, misreading the signs somewhat, pounced on him with romantic intent. Nothing is more likely to send him rushing back to the arms of Deirdre, so let's hope she's busy spraying the soft furnishings with Febreze to get rid of the fag smells in preparation for his return.

And Jerry and Eileen continue to bond while they wipe feebly at the smoke stains on Ashley and Claire's wallpaper. Just rubbing it with a sponge won't help - it all needs stripping off and starting again, IMO.

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