Gail either reads this blog, or she reads my mind (like Matt Parkman in Heroes, who is a perfect cross between a guinea pig and Keanu Reeves).
Because although she hasn't made the appointment with Jeremy Kyle yet, she's decided that what David needs is a bit of Tough Love. So it's no more Mrs Nice Gail, from now on if Oh-Day-vid wants to live at Platt Towers he'll just have to darn well pay his own way.
Typically, Gail's approach is a bit on the namby-pamby side. "Any spare hours going at the salon?" she asks Audrey. But Audrey knows a thing or two about life, and knows that making cups of tea for pensioners isn't going to be the life-altering experience that Oh-Day-vid really needs. And Audrey does have another business after all - so she commands Bill Webster to take on David as an apprentice at t'building yard. Which will also keep him under the watchful eye of his new mentor, Jason.
In the best line of the episode, David regains his composure after being given this dreadful news, and heads for the door, saying, "If I'm going to be a builder, I'll need a vest and a checked shirt."
In other news, Sophie Webster is upset to hear that Fiz is going out with the man I must call John, a man who is also Sophie's drama teacher and upon whom she has (bizarrely) a crush. So she vandalises Fiz's beloved scooter. When Fiz sees the damage she assumes it's the work of Kirk (does she not know him at all?), and rushes to confront him. She says he just can't bear it that she's with John. "John who?" says an oblivious Kirk. Oops. He knows now, and he's not happy.
And Claire is feeling totally paranoid after receiving a silent phone call, and has taken to locking about fifteen bolts on the door.
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