
CATCH-UP - Mentor man

Today, we're pondering the problem of Young People Today. Specifically, the Young Person who goes by the name of David Platt (or "Oh-Day-vid!" in Gail-speak).

"What's he done now?" I hear you groan. He's only gone and burned his exam paper, in the middle of the exam room, before walking out of the school to screams of rage from the fire-extinguisher-wielding teacher and a round of applause from his fellow pupils. Only the plonker is so dim he did the exam first before burning the paper. I suppose it's more of A Gesture that way.

The headmaster had to call round to Platt Towers - right in the middle of Beth's birthday party, as well. This occasioned "Oh-Day-vid"'s all around from Gail, Audrey, Bill Webster, and Sarah.

Now, in this country in 2007 there's a tried and tested way of dealing with troublesome teens. You take them on the Jeremy Kyle show. Jezza would spend a good ten minutes shouting at David onstage, before hauling him off to "boot camp" (a camping trip to Wales with compulsory on-camera sessions with a psychologist). David would then see the error of his ways, embrace Gail in a warm mother-and-son moment, and become a model citizen thereafter.

Gail's solution is kind of along those lines. Remember that Sarah wanted Jason to move in with them permanently? Well, Gail is now saying that this can go ahead, providing Jason adopts a mentoring role towards the boy for whom the only letters after his name are likely to be ASBO.

It's a poisoned chalice, surely, but as Jason has been David's only defender in this episode, and has managed to do so while wearing eyeliner (applied by Bethany), then he just might manage it.

Elsewhere, Kirky still doesn't know about Fiz and the man I must call John, and is still labouring under the impression that he and Fiz may soon be reunited. Bless him, the sad, deluded butcher (he's working for Ashley now, and while he's working he enjoys singing along to - appropriately enough - Meatloaf).

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