
CATCH-UP - He shoots - he scores!

Yesterday, en route from a Bank Holiday visit to a garden centre to buy fishies for our pond, we passed a pub bearing a massive banner that said IT'S BANK HOLIDAY - GET DOWN TO YOUR LOCAL!

This advice was warmly embraced by the cast of Coronation Street yesterday, as most of them were in t'Rovers for the entire episode. Jack, Molly and Tyrone were in there with the baby alarm (or "Virtual Vera" as Tyrone dubbed it) so they could stay in touch with the incapacitated Vera, who was at home listening to relaxation CD's. Molly had borrowed these from her dad (remember Diggory Compton? Can you think of anyone less likely to own a full set of relaxation CDs?).

Liam was in the pub with Leanne, Janice, Carla and Paul. Apart from when Paul and Liam were out in the street, as Paul felt the need to warn Liam off the Battersby Babe. Naturally he wouldn't specify exactly why - the nearest he got was, "She's a slapper." Liam was not impressed, and indeed the second episode closed on Paul and Carla's taxi driving past Liam's doorway, through which conduit Leanne was at that very moment passing.

Despite my deep feelings of jealous torment, I can't help thinking that Leanne deserves to snog Liam - she's had to put up with a lot in terms of snogging sundry members of the Baldwin clan, bless her. She deserves a bit of a treat.

Ken popped home to collect "some more things," which seemed to consist of a carrier bag with three envelopes and a paperback in it. Did Deirdre and Blanche take the opportunity to get him to deal with Charlie-reincarnated-as-a-pesky-fly? No they didn't. Blanche did take the opportunity to suss out Denise's address, and turned up there later to spoil the reunion of Ken and Daniel. Once Denise had seen off Blanche, Ken and Daniel settled down to a game of Subbuteo. "I'm Argentina," Daniel said. "You can be any team you like as long as we don't clash." I have the feeling Daniel was speaking in metaphors. He does seem rather wise for his age, but genes will out, won't they?

And in other news, Liz had an assignation with that Derek from the brewery (I still expect to see Derek Wilton, of Mavis and Derek fame, whenever that name is mentioned). Thank goodness for the watershed because we were spared any suggestion of "activity." Seeing them snog is bad enough. Bad enough to have me reaching for the relaxation CDs. And a pint.

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